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Nuotit saksofonille
Tästä löydät kaikki tuotteemme kategoriasta Nuotit saksofonille.
101 CHRISTMAS SONGS TENOR SAXInstrumentalists will love this jam-packed collection of 101 holiday favorites! Songs include: Away in a Manger · Caroling, Caroling · Do You Want to Build a Snowman? · Feliz Navidad · Grandma Got Run over by a Reindeer · Hark! The Herald Angels Sing · I Saw Three Ships · Jingle Bells · Joy to the World · Mary, Did You Know? · O Come, All Ye Faithful · O Holy Night · Silent Night · The Twelve Days of Christmas · We Wish You a Merry Christmas · White Christmas · and more. Lisätietoja24,99 €
ALTSAX.NU DEL 1 (REVIREDAD) NOREN JOHANSSON NORENaltsax.nu - del 1är första delen av en altsaxskola där vi förutom den traditionella spelboken även tagit hjälp av ''den nya tekniken''.
I spelboken finns många kända melodier från olika genrer, blandat med nya melodier samt härm- och improvisationsövningar. Ackorden till melodierna är skrivna för altsaxofonen.
Vi hoppas att altsax.nu kommer att ge många musikaliska upplevelser och uppmintra till fortsatt saxofonspel. Lisätietoja30,99 € -
BEATLES TENOR SAX +ONLINE AUDIO15 solo arrangements of huge hits by the Lads from Liverpool are included in this collection perfect for budding instrumentalists. It features online access to audio demonstration tracks for download or streaming to help you hear how the song should sound. Lisätietoja19,99 €
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST TENOR SAX +ONLINE AUDIO10 songs from the latest live action hit movie adaptation of the Disney classic Beauty and the Beast arranged for instrumentalists. Each book features online access to audio demonstration tracks for download or streaming to help you hear how the song should sound. Lisätietoja19,99 €
CELTIC PLAY-ALONG SAXOPHONE +PIANO+CD8 easy to intermediate play-alongs of well-known pieces from Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall and Brittany. For alto or tenor saxophone and CD or piano accompaniment. Lisätietoja23,99 €
DISNEY MOVIE HITS +ONLINE AUDIO ALTO SAXOPHONENow solo instrumentalists can play along with a dozen favorite songs from Disney blockbusters such as Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, Monsters, Inc., Toy Story 2 and other beloved movies. These books include online access to recordings by a full symphony orchestra of demo tracks and backing-tracks only so you can sound like a pro playing with the orchstra! The audio player also includes PLAYBACK+ features such as looping, tempo adjustment, and more. Lisätietoja25,99 €
DISNEY SOLOS CLARINET/TENOR SAX +ONLINE AUDIOA collection of twelve well known Disney songs, arranged for solo Clarinet or Tenor Saxophone. This edition includes access to online audio with specially recorded backing tracks of all the songs so you can play along as part of the orchestra! Lisätietoja18,99 €
EASY ROCK INSTRUMENTAL SOLOS +CD ALTO SAXFrom the classics to the hits of today, these timeless tunes are now available as easy arrangements for Flute, Clarinet, Alto Sax, Tenor Sax, Trumpet, Horn in F, and Trombone. All wind instrument arrangements are fully compatible and can be successfully performed as ensembles or solos. A fully orchestrated accompaniment CD is provided, featuring each song as a live performance demo track followed by a play-along track. Lisätietoja17,99 €
EILISH BILLIE ALTO SAX +ONLINE AUDIOSolo instrumental arrangements with audio accompaniment for 9 of Billie's biggest hits so far. The audio is accessed online using the unique code inside each book and can be streamed or downloaded. The audio files include PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right. Lisätietoja20,99 €
EILISH BILLIE TENOR SAX +ONLINE AUDIOSolo instrumental arrangements with audio accompaniment for 9 of Billie's biggest hits so far. The audio is accessed online using the unique code inside each book and can be streamed or downloaded. The audio files include PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right. Lisätietoja20,99 €
ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS JAZZ 2 Eb ALTO SAX (+ONLINE AUDIO)Eb ALTO SAX. Mike Steinel's follow-up book to his popular Essential Elements for Jazz Ensemble features a wealth of instructional material that can be used in a full band setting or individually. After a brief review of style basics, this comprehensive method includes a section of daily warm-ups and workouts for rehearsal, followed by a variety of lessons covering specific styles and improvisation concepts. Each lesson ends with a full band performance piece. Take your students to the next level with this masterful approach! Lisätietoja20,99 €
ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS JAZZ 2 Eb BARITONE SAX (+ONLINE AUDIO)Eb BARITONE SAX. Mike Steinel's follow-up book to his popular Essential Elements for Jazz Ensemble features a wealth of instructional material that can be used in a full band setting or individually. After a brief review of style basics, this comprehensive method includes a section of daily warm-ups and workouts for rehearsal, followed by a variety of lessons covering specific styles and improvisation concepts. Each lesson ends with a full band performance piece. Take your students to the next level with this masterful approach! Lisätietoja20,99 €
FAVORITE DISNEY SONGS TENOR SAX +ONLINE AUDIO15 hits presented with professional demo and backing tracks so you can play along and sound like a pro!
Audio is accessed online using the unique code inside the book and can be streamed or downloaded. The audio files include PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right. Lisätietoja23,99 € -
FROZEN 2 ALTO SAX +ONLINE AUDIOSolo arrangements for 8 tunes from the 2019 sequel to Disney's mega-hit movie Frozen are featured in this collection perfect for budding instrumentalists. It features online access to audio demonstration tracks for download or streaming to help you hear how the song should sound. Lisätietoja20,99 €
FROZEN 2 TENOR SAX +ONLINE AUDIOSolo arrangements for 8 tunes from the 2019 sequel to Disney's mega-hit movie Frozen are featured in this collection perfect for budding instrumentalists. It features online access to audio demonstration tracks for download or streaming to help you hear how the song should sound. Lisätietoja20,99 €
FROZEN TANGLED ENCHANTED TENOR SAX + ONLINE AUDIOThis songbook features 13 tunes from the Disney blockbusters Frozen, Tangled and Enchanted, arranged for solo Tenor Saxophone. The pieces featured in this collection are perfect for budding saxophonists. Songs From Frozen, Tangled And Enchanted comes complete with online access to audio demonstration tracks, for download or streaming, to help musicians hear how the song should sound. Lisätietoja17,99 €
HARRIS MORE GRADED STUDIES 2 ALTO SAXMore Graded Studies for Saxophone Book 2 brings together saxophone study repertoire spanning the entire spectrum of technique and providing a firm foundation for progress. Featuring core studies alongside specially composed pieces by Paul Harris, these comprehensive collections apply the Simultaneous Learning approach to instrumental technique. Book Two takes the student from intermediate to advanced level (approx. grades 68). The studies are arranged in order of increasing difficulty, according to a carefully planned technical progression and each study comes with a list of Simultaneous Learning musical ingredients for players to explore in preparation for the music. Lisätietoja14,99 €
JAZZSAKSOFONI SIIRALAUusi jazzsaksofonin harrastajille tarkoitettu materiaali keskittyy saksofonin soittotekniikkaan ja improvisoinnin kehitta?miseen. Jazzstandardit ja Kaisa Siiralan omat sa?vellykset toimivat pohjana, minka? kanssa harjoitellaan improvisointia ja jazzmusiikille tyypillista? sa?velkielta?. Improvisointia la?hestyta?a?n kahdesta na?ko?kulmasta, sointujen opettelemisen ja jazzille tyypillisen sa?velkielen kautta, seka? luovan, vapaan improvisaation vinkkelista?. Na?in kehiteta?a?n myo?s soittajan omaa persoonallista a?a?nta?. Oppikirjan kohderyhma?na? ovat oppilaat teini-ika?isista? aina ela?kela?isiin asti. Kirja soveltuu myo?s itsena?isesti harrastaville, silla? useiden lukujen yhteydessa? on linkki netista? lo?ytyva?lle video-oppitunnille.
Teos on osa uutta kaiken ika?isille musiikin harrastajille tarkoitettua musiikkiopassarjaa. Sarjassa ta?hda?ta?a?n improvisaatioon, joka tunnetusti tuo hyvin paljon iloa harrastajalleen.
Netista? katsottavat videot tukevat omaehtoista harjoittelua. Lisätietoja37,99 € -
MERA ALTSAX +ONLINE AUDIO FRITZEN ÖHMAN NOTFABRIKENMera altsax innehåller 32 populära stycken, som får betraktas som klassiker. Melodierna är skrivna i enkla och bra tonarter för altsax. Några stycken är arrangerade två- eller trestämmigt. Ljudfiler med roliga backgrunder att spela till finns online. Arrangemangen är gjorda med utgångspunkt från kända inspelningar för att ge en autentisk känsla. Lisätietoja30,99 €
OPI FONIA | TIENVIITTOJA PUUPUHALTA SAKSOFONI, PUUPUHALTIMETSaksofoni on noussut liki 200-vuotisen historiansa aikana yhdeksi keskeisimmistä länsimaisen musiikin instrumenteista. Adolphe Saxin ensimmäisten Pariisissa rakentamien saksofonien jälkeen fonien soitinperhe on monipuolistunut sekä soittimistoltaan että käyttöalueiltaan. Jazzmusiikki ja moni muukin rytmimusiikin tyylisuunta ei enää nykyisin pärjäisi ilman saksofonia.
Saksofoni kuuluu nykyisin eri-ikäisten musiikinharrastajien ja ammattilaisten suosikkisoittimiin. Suomenkielisiä, suomalaisille soveltuvia saksofonioppaita on ollut niukalti tarjolla.
Ammattisaksofonisti ja saksofoninopettaja Arto Moisala on valmistellut Opi fonia tienviittoja puupuhaltajille -teosta pitkään. Hän on koonnut opetuskokemuksensa ja niiden yhteydessä kertyneen hiljaisen tiedon loogiseksi pedagogiseksi kokonaisuudeksi. Teos sopii sekä ohjattuun että itsenäiseen opiskeluun. Lisäksi se luo virikkeisen perustan saksofoninsoittoa käsitteleville keskusteluille soundin olemuksesta ja muista elämää suuremmista saksofonisteja kiinnostavista aiheista.
Teos antaa arvokkaita neuvoja myös klarinetin ja huilunsoitosta. Kirja sisältää myös harjoituksia, jotka soveltuvat kaikille puupuhaltamille. Lisätietoja34,99 €