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Nuotit nokkahuilulle
Tästä löydät kaikki tuotteemme kategoriasta Nuotit nokkahuilulle.
JOULULAULUJA NOKKAHUILUILLE PUHAKKAKokoelma tarjoaa uutta nokkahuiluohjelmistoa joulunajan juhliin ja musiikkitunneille. Se sisältää 36 iloista ja tunnelmallista sovitusta eri aikakausilta.
Sovitukset on tarkoitettu nokkahuiluyhtyeille, mutta ne sopivat myös sekakokoonpanoille, mm. kitaran ja jousisoittimien kanssa. Sovituksia voidaan käyttää myös alkeisopetuksen oheiskappaleina. Lisätietoja16,99 € -
Basic Fingering Chart For Recorder RECORDERDue to the success of our Instrumental Fingering Posters, we thought it would be helpful to create a smaller version that could be tucked comfortably into any method book as a reference guide. Unbeknownst to us after days of research, we were left with countless questions, much confusion, and a slew of poorly crafted images from contradicting publications. That being said, we realized that there werent truly any trustworthy resources in print and decided to address the void. We consulted experts in every category asking questions until both we and they and we were satisfied. Finally, a guide to fingering for beginners that even the experienced players will find beneficial. Santorella's Basic Fingering Charts are essential for anyone that picks up an instrument. Initially intended for beginners but after understanding the importance of false fingerings or more appropriately called, ''alternate fingerings'' their necessity is vital for playing certain musical passages on a particular instrument. In addition, after observing the difficulties that students had in identifying key signatures, we decided to include the Circle of Fifths diagram and every major scale in two octaves in every key including their enharmonic counterparts. After all was said in done, we now know, we now have the best educational products available for fingering in the industry. Our Basic Fingering Charts are perfect for private students, classroom study, or simply for a quick and easy reference guide while practicing at home. These graphic reference guides for assorted brass, reeds, woodwinds, and orchestral strings are specifically available for Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Trumpet, Flute, Piccolo, Recorder, Baritone Horn, Trombone, Bass Trombone, Alto Sax, Soprano Sax, Tenor Sax, Baritone Sax, French Horn, Euphonium, Tuba, Oboe, Bassoon, Violin, Viola, Cello, and Bass. Every chart displays the entire range of each instrument by clearly depicting the fingering for each note including all their enharmonic substitutions. Each chart includes a diagram identifying the levers, valves, keys, slides, frets and more of each and every instrument. Learn where, when, and why to place your fingers. Now is the time to truly start playing with assured confidence. Lisätietoja10,90 €
BLÅSBUS 1 ALTBLOCKFLÖJT UTBULT (ILMAN CD:TÄ)Äänitiedostot löytyvät Spotify:sta. Lisätietoja26,99 €
BLÅSBUS 2 SOPRANBLOCKFLÖJT UTBULT +ONLINE-AUDIOÄänitiedostot löytyvät Spotify:sta. Lisätietoja27,99 €
FAVORITE DISNEY SONGS RECORDER +ONLINE AUDIO15 hits presented with professional demo and backing tracks so you can play along and sound like a pro!
Audio is accessed online using the unique code inside the book and can be streamed or downloaded. The audio files include PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right. Lisätietoja23,99 € -
GREENSLEEVES TO A GROUND SOPRANO RECORDER+PIANOGreensleeves to a Ground is taken from John Walsh's two-part publication, The Division Flute, of 1706. Includes pedagogical tips from editors Kathryn Bennetts and Peter Bowman.
Arrangement for Soprano Recorder and Piano. Lisätietoja14,99 € -
MERA BLOCKFLÖJT FRITZEN ÖHMAN NOTFABRIKENMera blockflöjt innehåller 47 populära och lättspelade melodier för sopranblockflöjt i en- och tvåstämmiga arrangemang med ackordanalyser. Repertoaren är mycket varierad, alltifrån barock, folkmusik och klassiska stycken till moderna poplåtar.
Tio av melodierna finns med inspelade bakgrunder på den CD som medföljer. Arrangemangen är gjorda med utgångspunkt från kända inspelningar för att ge en autentisk känsla
Förlag: Notfabriken Music Publishing AB
Artikelnr: 9789197575539
Utgiven år: 2006
Antal sidor: 60
Format: 230x304
Antal titlar: 48 Lisätietoja30,99 € -
MODERN RECORDER PLAYER 3 VAN HAUWE SCHOTTContents: About Breathing · 1. Inhalation · 2. Exhalation · 3. How to Hold the Air · About Articulation · 1. The consonants · 2. The Position of the Tongue with Single T and D · 3. double Tonguing with T and D · 4. Double Tonguingwith More than Two Syllables · 5. Legato-Portato-Staccato · 6. The Consonants K and G Lisätietoja26,30 €
Tuotenumero: 9789527063460
Tekijät: Vahervuo Sini, Lampela Titta .
Harvaan soittimeen on suomalaisilla yhtä läheinen suhde kuin nokkahuiluun. Harva soitin on myöskään historian saatossa löytänyt paikkansa sekä renessanssin, barokin ja nykyajan taidemusiikkisoittimena että ristiriitaisin tuntein kohdattavana pakollisena koulusoittimena. Kuten useimmat soittimet, nokkis on yhtaikaa sekä helppo alkeissoitin että vaativa sooloinstrumentti.
Pieni nokkahuilukirja - nokkisalkeet kaikenikäisille on kattava perusteos, joka sopii opetuskäyttöön kaikenikäisille, myös peruskouluihin. Kirja on myös pieni aarreaitta kaikille musiikinhistoriasta kiinnostuneille. Lisäksi kirja sisältää katsauksen tavallisten suomalaisten nokkahuilukokemuksiin, joista ei huumoriakaan puutu. Lisätietoja36,99 € -
ALTBLOCKFLÖTEN- KONZERTBUCH HINTERMEIERThe Altblockflöten-Konzertbuch Lisätietoja30,99 €Ei varastossa
30 Works for Soprano Recorder
with and without keyboard or guitar accompaniment
edition with CD - +CD - descant recorder and piano (guitar ad lib.) - English - French - German
editor: Heyens, Gudrun
editor: Bowman, Peter
Vol. 1 Lisätietoja23,99 €Ei varastossa -
32 Works for Soprano Recorder with Piano/Guitar Accompaniment
edition with CD - +CD - descant recorder and piano (guitar ad lib.) - English - French - German
editor: Bowman, Peter
editor: Heyens, Gudrun
Vol. 2
Publisher: Schott Music Ltd., London
ISBN: 978-1-84761-081-2
ISMN: 979-0-2201-3100-4
Client Number: ED 13135
Publisher Order No.: S&Co.8538
Product Line: Schott Anthology Series
Difficulty: easy to interme
Pages: 84
This anthology contains pieces by seventeenth- and eighteenth-century composers in a variety of different styles. The repertoire includes works by major composers such as Telemann, Purcell and Corelli as well as lesser-known composers including, amongst others, Babell, Delalande, van Eyck, Fischer, Locke and Luidhens. This collection is ideal for recorder teachers looking for additional repertoire for their teaching practice as well as developing players looking to expand their repertoire and for use in school or music centre concerts. Lisätietoja23,99 €Ei varastossa -
21 Works for Treble Recorder with Piano
edition with CD - Partitur und Stimme - treble recorder and keyboard instrument - English - French - German
editor: Bowman, Peter
editor: Heyens, Gudrun
Vol. 3
Publisher: Schott Music Ltd., London
ISBN: 978-1-84761-232-8
ISMN: 979-0-2201-3213-1
Client Number: ED 13324
Publisher Order No.: S&C.8696
Product Line: Schott Anthology Series
Difficulty: intermediate
Pages: 96.
This anthology contains pieces by seventeenth and eighteenth-century composers in a variety of different styles. The repertoire includes works by major composers such as Telemann as well as lesser-known composers including, amongst others, Hotteterre, Marcello, Chédeville and Schickhardt. This collection is ideal for recorder teachers looking for additional repertoire for their teaching practice as well as developing players looking to expand their repertoire, and for use in school or music centre concerts. Lisätietoja23,99 €Ei varastossa -
CELTIC RECORDER DUETS FLORIAN BRANBÖCK17 duet arrangements for middle grade players from Ireland, Scotland and Brittany. Lisätietoja20,99 €Ei varastossa
CHRISTMAS SONGS FOR RECORDEROver 20 of the best known Christmas carols arranged for recorder, with lyrics and guitar boxes. Lisätietoja15,99 €Ei varastossa
edition with CD - NOTEN+CD - 1-2 soprano recorders
editor: Butz, Rainer
editor: Magolt, Hans
illustration: Schliehe, Karin
ISBN: 978-3-7957-5633-8
ISMN: M-001-13425-5 Lisätietoja23,99 €Ei varastossa -
edition with ONLINE AUDIO - 1-2 soprano recorders
editor: Butz, Rainer
editor: Magolt, Hans
illustration: Schliehe, Karin
ISMN: M-001-13425-5 Lisätietoja20,99 €Ei varastossa